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..I thought the clouds looked like 'thought bubbles' coming from the house (you know, like in the cartoons and what not?)
was quite pleased with this result, can't say i'd really change anything. the full-view details for the original image I worked on of the old truck on the right are just INsane. have another one just of that which I will probably be working on later.
thank you for your thoughts & time looking as always! ps, best viewed while possibly listening to any track off days of the new's first album
Taken near Taylor, TX (the middle of no-where, USA..same location as [link] )
was quite pleased with this result, can't say i'd really change anything. the full-view details for the original image I worked on of the old truck on the right are just INsane. have another one just of that which I will probably be working on later.
thank you for your thoughts & time looking as always! ps, best viewed while possibly listening to any track off days of the new's first album
Taken near Taylor, TX (the middle of no-where, USA..same location as [link] )
Image size
644x850px 230.02 KB
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hi youve been featured [link]