equigoyle on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/equigoyle/art/Fairy-Tale-Love-380943231equigoyle

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Fairy Tale Love



For a contest over on My Little Pony Arena. Probably shouldn't have bothered with it as I have much better things to do with my time, but I couldn't resist.

I chose the 'fairy tale' option and the stallion was supposed to be Blue Blood, y'know matured and civil and humble and sweet and all that, but I messed up on his cutie mark so he kinda became someone else. The seapony though is Sea Mist, one of the Sea Ponies I REALLY want.

Wish me luck!
Image size
1578x1063px 314.65 KB
© 2013 - 2024 equigoyle
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CobraFreek's avatar

Your "Big Brother" style ponies are terrific!  This's a beautiful piece, perfect for Valentine's Day!  Free Choc Heart Icon