OOAK Pony Zombie Quackerseponyart on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/eponyart/art/OOAK-Pony-Zombie-Quackers-184988106eponyart

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OOAK Pony Zombie Quackers



Well it had to happen, after all Parasol is not the only Hasbro pony to
feature an umbrella in its emblem.

Quackers was inspired in part by the symbol which has been adapted from the
wonderful tattoo art of
Jorell. I saw the
tattoo while browsing DA and immediately thought about creating a Zombie version
of Quackers, this time corrupting the emblem even further then I did with
Parasol. The pony has been given similar style wounds as I loved creating those;
exposed jaw bone and detached eyeball. I have also given Quackers an exposed
back leg, however this time I embedded it further up the leg so that none of the
leg was removed. It was interesting to create similar wounds on a more stark
background then the pink of Parasol.

I really hope you like her, and for those that are interested she is on

Image size
3016x2140px 807.03 KB
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theJorell's avatar
Came out awesome! Phenomenal details mate!