This epic high dive account was made by ~Jcat4 ( and made into account by :iconmaari-erein:
-History of this icon-
Maari-Erein: D:! We need some epic high five icon thingy for MSN!! D:
Jcat4: YES ! D:
M: But how!?
J: I'll do it!! : D
M: really!?
J: yeah!
M: yaaaayz~~~~ *highfive'ed*
J: *makes icon*
M: *over abuses icon*
Months later~
M: D: i so need to over abuse this icon on DA D:, may i make a plz account? D:
J: sure, go ahead~
M: yaaaaayz~~~~ *makes icon*
And yeah~
have fun and spread the epic accomplishment~ :iconepichighfiveplz: