SFM X-mas - Sci-fi CityEnterprise-E on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/enterprise-e/art/SFM-X-mas-Sci-fi-City-46962842Enterprise-E

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SFM X-mas - Sci-fi City



There was a challenge at Scifi-meshes.com for X-mas 2006. Theme was to create an image that represents christmas in a sci-fi setting. It could be an interior, a starship, a space scene, a character, anything. As i lacked a good story, i chose to do an all-round scenario, that doesnt need a background concept.

Hence this city was born. Creation time was around 3 weeks. Everything on the image was modeled or drawn during this time interval, no already available models were used.

Original resolution was constrained at 800x600, but after the contest i re-rendered it in 1024x768.

And well - it won the contest.
Image size
1024x768px 282.85 KB
© 2007 - 2024 Enterprise-E
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SeekHim's avatar
This is beautiful!
I like both the ship and the city background.

GOD bless
John 3:16