YCS  | E-150 SmaugEnharmonia on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/enharmonia/art/YCS-E-150-Smaug-464009503Enharmonia

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YCS | E-150 Smaug




Got this poor guy out.

He's been sitting on my Stash for almost three months- only Fargo had gotten a glimpse of him. :giggle: He's a product of my the-movie-was-in-december-but-I-still-squeal-over-it fangirling over The Hobbit 2. And Smaugie. Poor Ol' Smaugie is the hottest piece of dragon ass I've ever seen. (¿?)

Anyways, this guy's rarity is really puffed up with steroids, and I think the only EB with horns-wings til date. I think I surpassed our limits but DAYUM.


ID: E-150
Name: Castle's Smaug
Stable name: doesn't usually respond to any.
Age: 13 Years (Mature)
Gender: Stallion
Height: 2'01 m / 20hh

Breed: Mountain Equus Ballator
Rarity: 50 (Olympian)
Phenotype: Blood Bay Pangaré Carey
Genotype:  Ee AA nPan CryCry

Owner/rider: Martha MacCorlett
Discipline: Driving, dressage


He's been apparently 'blessed' by Ares with her Devil's Eye.

Don't let his fearsome looks and reptilian eyes scare you- Smaug is actually a very noble animal. Since he's the only male EB resident in the stables besides Macci and Leo he gets to have a fence for himself- originally put there in the case he turned out to be as dangerous as he looks. However, he's a quiet and stern soul, who respects riders who respect him in return. He's been seen picking fights with Macci (whose fence is close to his) and, occassionally with Nordanners. He doesn't really go straightforward when fighting, but his horns could do very serious damage to other horses.

Smaug came from a small farm. The owners, an almost elderly couple, bred their own ballators and had little Smaug around. It was when his shoulder horns began to grow into bone blobs and both his eyes lost sight for months while his pupils mutated when the colt scared them- and so he was auctioned off. YCS put their eyes on the horse, and he hasn't disappointed a single bit. He's the living proof of the owner's liking to Tolkien, having even his shoulder horns polished into the shape of a pair of dragonine wings.

His status as Carey male makes him one delicate individual- he's very, very prone to colics and has given the owners more than one good scare. He needs weekly physiotherapy on his back, legs and shoulders, due to the weight they are carrying: each 'wing' horn can weigh up to 30 kgs. when unpolished.

Quirk 1:
Flehmens a lot, specially when there are mares around.

Quirk 2:
Prone to giving uninterested stares.


Herd Mentality:
Indisputable leader. Challenge him and you'll be stabbed.

Horse vs. Rider:
Has great manners and respects space.

Favourite Treat:

If I could talk, my favourite saying would be...
'You better keep your whinnies for yourself, or I'm afraid I'll feel obligated to repeatedly stomp on your skull.'






Be sure to read the Stables' Breeding Rules first.

:bulletred: Offers on this stallion are closed indefinetely.:bulletred:

1. Private
2. Private
3. Private
4. Nuklear-Bunnies | Christmas gift
5. Shinju-Tsukuda | Used

6. Brok3ndoll | Born foal
7. naomithewolf | Born foal
8. BrandonLeffers | Born foal
9. 11IceDragon11 | Born foal
10. Fernybee | Born foal

11. Tinetheeviltwin | Used
12. SongsTheDeadMenSing  |  Christmas gift
13. swaggalatte | Born foal
14. Baylili00  |  Born Foal
15. Contest-destined Slot

16. ValiantShadow  |  Born foal
17. ToxicCreed | Used
18. Growl-Tiger  | Pending Mare
19. Silent-Duck  |  Born Foal
20. DuskyWolfFang  |  Used

21. TheMoon122 | Christmas gift 
22. PoltergeistNaga | Christmas gift
23. Jackewa | Christmas gift
24. EverlastingStables | Used
25. QuetzalcoatlStables | Christmas gift | 

26. Aareniel | Christmas gift
27. 11IceDragon11 | Christmas gift | 
28. CaptainKatastrophe | Christmas gift | 
29. Katchihe | Christmas gift | Need mare
30. Makienzie | Christmas gift | 

31. Floricenti | Christmas gift | Need mare
32. Wouv | Christmas gift | 
33. ErinHK | Christmas gift | 
34. WildOracle | Christmas gift | 
35. sleepingforestx3 | Christmas gift | 

36. theMadFurball | Christmas gift | 
37. Brok3nD0ll | Christmas gift | 
38. TintedGreen | Christmas gift | 
39. dry-oasis | Christmas gift | 
40. gyngercookie | Christmas gift | 

41. Kavyrie | Christmas gift | 
42. wardhighlands | Christmas gift | 
43. AkakoWolf | Christmas gift | 
44. Skowler | Christmas gift | 
45. kittyline13 | Christmas gift | Need mare

46. WarriorsFan97 | Christmas gift | Need mare
47. NakkAttack | Christmas gift | 
48. SheltieJoy | Christmas gift |
49. Silver-Raven-Estate | Christmas gift |
50. GiggzyWiggles | Christmas gift | Need mare

:bulletblue: E-151 Mr. Vana  |  Owned by Brok3nD0ll
:bulletpink: E-152 Draco Animosi  |  Owned by 11IceDragon11
:bulletblue: E-153 Ignis Fatuus  |  Owned by BrandonLeffers
:bulletblue: E-154 Ignis Draco  |  Owned by ValiantShadow
:bulletpink: E-155 Phantasia Creaturae  |  Owned by swaggalatte
:bulletblue: E-156 Regem ad Radices Montis  |  Owned by naomithewolf
:bulletpink: E-157 Unnamed  |  Owned by Silent-Duck
:bulletpink: E-158 Verba Ex Fractum Draconis  |  Owned by Baylili00
:bulletblue: E-159 Filius Mercurialis  |  Owned by Fernybee
:bulletpink: E-160 Ignis Symbolum |  Owned by DuskyWolfFang

:bulletpink: E-161 Ego Sum Ignis, Ego Sum Mortem | Owned by ToxicCreed
:bulletpink: E-162 Unnamed | Owned by Shinju-Tsukuda
:bulletpink: E-163 Albus Lotus | Owned by TheMoon122
:bulletblue: E-164 Unnamed | Owned by PoltergeistNaga
:bulletpink: 458 Regina Draco | Owned by EverlastingStables
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Art, YCS © Enharmonia
Used Dane's personality randomizer's quotes to define him. Didn't randomize them though.
Image size
2551x2069px 2.7 MB
© 2014 - 2024 Enharmonia
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Cutepup's avatar
Are you gonna get him into the new group?