Kairi Reference SheetEnef on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/enef/art/Kairi-Reference-Sheet-833323551Enef

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Kairi Reference Sheet



Name: Kairi
Age: ??
Gender: Female

Personality: On the face of it Kairi seems like an extremely positive person, despite her harrowing past, in reality she suffers through most of her days, always looking over her shoulder, always scared of her past coming back to her. Sleeping is hard, living is hard, her arms a constant reminder of everything that happened.


Kairi is an infernal, as young Infernal living in Hell she was summoned into the world by a cult trying to summon a demon for their own nefarious purposes. She was then captured, tortured and kept prisoner for most of her life.

Whilst she was captured a Seraph appeared to her to offer her a contract, a contract to help her become free, but she would need to sacrifice something in order to do this and dedicate her eternal soul to the Seraph, the Seraph also contracted her to fight and destroy other Infernals and Demons in the world.

With no other way out of the situation she took the contract. Losing her arms, losing her connection to Hell but gaining magical powers.

Now she's in VOID just trying to survive and make her life worth it.

[A lot of the stuff discussed here is stuff I plan to explore in comics in more detail, so I'm trying to keep this brief.]

Extra stuff: Font used for her runic markings is DarkArts from Blambot, but feel free to do whatever you want.
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1080x1320px 317.83 KB
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