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Systems brief :009A2

Contractors: NASA / BOEING / US Steel / FORD motors / SUZUKI / COCA COLA int. unltd.

Development History:
This weapons system is the corporate defensive arm for the second generation MIU (Mars Industrial Union)

Originally was designed to work along side with/or take lead position in strikes... supporting the original GEWEHR F-10's....
assisting in the interception of and/or repelling forthwith any and all extra-planetery hostiles...with extreme prejudice

the system proved it’s usefulness in the “borium mining massacare” where over 3000 colonists/miners and their families were attacked....( the loses were severe...) the MAIZER unit(20) working alongside with the GEWEHR unit(12) destroyed 3 hive battalions each numbering well over 10,000...

Attack formations:
-the favored and proven formation by ground or air is known as the “ phalanx triangle”...a battle defensive formation (fr. ancient Greek defense) technique of linking shields... (in this case: linking force fields/ EM barriers)

brief Technical Specs:

-Height: 40'
-20,000 lbs ( incl. payload )
-15,000 lbs (dry)
-Max speed: mach-8 (6000 ft.)
Power source: (unlimited integral and external)
-MIFIS (magnetic ion field integrity sourcing/ 0 point energy / bio-feedback )
-Zircon batteries (storage)
-( 2,000 rps / 50,000 branching armor piercing flechettes)
-(30,000 /.50 mm exploding titanium coated kevlar shells-aka :“Rapier” rounds)

Special Features:
- “TOMBS” (tangent molecular bond shields ... force field)
-“Weimar” cloaking system (EM reverse diffusion....includes a direct optical evasion sytem as well as
radar evasion)
- neuron sync mode (remote-pilot suit IM link.....*integral mimic* .... optional)
- multi-target acquisition
- motion/ heat detection

Contact: Prof. Endo Utagawa, Eng. /Systems Designer, CECOM/ MD12WD

Image size
1085x848px 603.95 KB
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Zenblade9's avatar
I know it's not but it reminds me of the game Tribes.