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Daily Deviation
October 31, 2007
Pumpkin Reference Stock by ~Enchantedgal-Stock is a high resolution quality stock image perfect for the day. Happy Halloween.
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Click "download" for the largest view.
You have permission to use this image in your digital art, on other websites, projects and prints as long as it is altered in some way (such as digital art collage/photo manipulation, using it with a drawing/text overlay, backgrounds, texture, as a drawing reference etc.) Basically the only thing I don't want is the exact same image to be sold or uploaded in other stock/texture galleries/claimed as your own.
***You do not need to note me, but I would like it if you leave me a COMMENT HERE (on the stock you used page) with the link to your finished image. That way I can see what awesome thing you did with the stock. Also, by leaving a comment here, other people can check out your work and be inspired by your creative use of this image.***
You have permission to use this image in your digital art, on other websites, projects and prints as long as it is altered in some way (such as digital art collage/photo manipulation, using it with a drawing/text overlay, backgrounds, texture, as a drawing reference etc.) Basically the only thing I don't want is the exact same image to be sold or uploaded in other stock/texture galleries/claimed as your own.
***You do not need to note me, but I would like it if you leave me a COMMENT HERE (on the stock you used page) with the link to your finished image. That way I can see what awesome thing you did with the stock. Also, by leaving a comment here, other people can check out your work and be inspired by your creative use of this image.***
Image size
2560x1920px 1.51 MB
Shutter Speed
10/600 second
Focal Length
5 mm
ISO Speed
Date Taken
Oct 18, 2007, 11:48:43 PM
© 2007 - 2024 Enchantedgal-Stock
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