Cardboard Brown Paper TextureEnchantedgal-Stock on DeviantArt

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Enchantedgal-Stock's avatar

Cardboard Brown Paper Texture



Doesn't it suck when you finally find a good stock photo/texture and it comes with a billion rules on the use? Well never fear, for I am here! I know there's probably a ton of similar textures out there, but with me you never need to wonder if you're actually allowed to use it for your project or on other sites. You always can!

Click "download" to the left to get an even larger version than full view. If you're using Firefox and the download image's save file says ".htm" at the end, just rename it to a ".jpg" when you save and it will read as an image.

You have permission to use this image in your digital art, publications and prints as long as it is altered in some way (such as using it as a drawing reference, digital art collage, backgrounds, texture etc.) Basically the only thing I don't want is you to upload the exact same image and call it your own photo/stock.

Please leave me a comment if you use the stock, I'd love to see what you did with the image... or add it to your favorites if you liked it. I'll be sure to keep adding more material if I know it's helpful! Thanks ;)
Image size
2167x2886px 2.64 MB
© 2007 - 2024 Enchantedgal-Stock
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JB-Pawstep's avatar

Thanks for sharing :D might use this for a fake notebook cover!

Edit: just noticed i used it before xD