Enchanted-Dreams on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/enchanted-dreams/art/Dolphin-Stock-12-141012805Enchanted-Dreams

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Enchanted-Dreams's avatar

Dolphin Stock 12



Enchanted Dreams – Stock Policy & Rules Summary

Full Rules here [link]

By downloading, storing and using Enchanted-Dreams Stocks you are agreeing to the Enchanted Dreams Terms of Use.

:bulletblue:1) Please :+fav: the stock you use and download.

:bulletblue:2) Enchanted Dreams Stocks can be used for anything you please, including creating other stocks and photo retouching practice.

:bulletblue:3) Finished works with Enchanted Dreams Stocks can be displayed both on deviantArt and on web.

:bulletblue:4) Please let me know when you use my stocks and please provide credit and link-back to the original stocks used. :bulletblue:

:bulletblue:5) Commercial use allowed, but contacting me for discussing terms is a must. dA artist are allowed to make prints and related out of my stocks on deviantArt ONLY without prior permission.

:bulletblue:6) Kindly be prepared that I may ask you for the un-watermarked copy of the finished deviation for my private offline collection and safe-keeping. ^^

:bulletblue:7) You may NOT Distribute my stocks as your own images and/or Claim them as your own.

:bulletblue:8) You are strictly prohibited from using my stocks for anything

• Pornographic
• Racist
• Morally offensive
• Offensive to cultures, religions, etc.

:bulletblue:9) In addition to that, you are prohibited from using my stock if there is a stolen image/s in the final deviation besides my own.

:bulletblue:10) You may use my stocks for the erotic category, but within deviantART policies on said issue.

:bulletblue:11) Anything unclear/have a question/etc.? – contact me :) I am more than willing to help ;)

NB: I am including small watermarks for information purposes only. I made all the effort to put it in a place where it is easy to remove/crop/etc and which is not on the stock subject in question. But if for some reason, you will need it to be in a different place/unwatermarked, etc., just note me and I will provide it.
Image size
2391x1938px 323.98 KB
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TatteredLurker's avatar
Used here, thanks for sharing !
Summer Vibez by Andromatonrecursion