EmptyCrate on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/emptycrate/art/Fygar-Plush-176450333EmptyCrate

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Fygar Plush



Posting that Blooper hat made me realize I never posted my little Fygar plushie!

I actually finished him a while ago...ehhh, I dunno when.

But, he's made of felt, and is entirely hand stitched because he's a bit small for the machine. He's a companion to my smaller Pooka Plush; they're both hand stitched felt bros. [link]

I am most proud of his teeth, because they were pretty difficult. I had to sew the red mouth piece into the green head piece before I could find out exactly where the slits for his fangs needed to go, so it was tough to get to them once I'd popped them in.
I ended up hot gluing them on the inside, because there was just no good way to stitch them in there. They're so small, and in a small space! If I made the plush bigger it would be way easier, but he needed to be sized to match the small Pooka <3 And it turned out good anyway.

I made a bigger Pooka, but I don't know that I'll make a big Fygar. hmm. It would be pretty awesome to have a Fygar sitting on the stool in front of the Multicade. *shot*

As for this one's size...I'm at my dorm, so I can't measure him...! But I'm going to guess he's about 6 or 7 inches tall, looking at a ruler.

Either Tuesday or this weekend I'll try to get a group picture of both little Pooka and Fygar. <3 They are best buddies and sit on top of a bookcase together. Plotting Dig Dug's demise.

In this picture he's sitting on my mom's bed. The only one in the house that's ever made up. *shot*
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Eep-386's avatar
Very cute! I want one ;_;