Team Red Bandit AppV2empiredog on DeviantArt

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Team Red Bandit AppV2



Yaro ♂ 17
snivy, hasty-likes to fight
moves: leaf storm, leaf blade,slam, tackle
personality: quick tempered,easily riled. yaro also thinks out missions more, but when into the rush of battle all his plans fly out the window and he jumps right into fights.when angered he usually has to go somewhere else to avoid reacting badly to his teamates. He initially dislikes Sasha, and hits him the first day on their team, but the sneasel grows on him. he adores his partner Queinn, and the two are like family, although sometimes queinn does things without asking/telling yaro, which irritates him.

Queinn♂ 17
deino-brave, somewhat finicky
moves: dragon rush, dragon pulse, outrage, hypervoice
personality: is easilly excited, happy. when situations require he gets very serious and thoughtful. unlike yaro, queinn makes plans in the middle of battle instead of during (so he kinda levels the team). he's very caring,and takes sasha under his wing, even foregoing his much wanted krokogoggles to get sasha some feathers.
also possessed chrys creeps him out...

Sasha♂ 10
sneasel-timid,likes to run
moves:ice shard, metal claw, thief,faint attack
personality: sasha's extremely shy and soft spoken, easilly brought to tears. he does flip personalitites once in a while when stressed/excited/or determined and becomes more extroverted and loud.(he's also a habitual troublemaker, he can't help it, but he always angers yaro one way or another, through comment or actions)

other: queinn gave him a set of 3 feathers from chrys's shop, he usually only wears them on special occasions/missions-
he also loves eggs, and is often seen creeping around missy's hatchery

teamwise, he's not much help...he comes with, but usually hides behind queinn, only uses attacks if dire need requires


M4 sidequest 1:[link]
M4 sidequest 2:[link]

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kwhitepearl's avatar
I cameo your team here [link], [link] and here [link]. Hope that's ok, they're also going to be in the next page.