Two artworks similar to 'Kick em while they're distracted' for @sealle
Scouting + +
Racing- same rider +
Agreed on 9.6.21 in exchange for hyena companion and shadow cat.
Gender: Mare Jibita
Physical Condition: Healthy
Genotype: Ee/Aa + nPr/nSv/nFl/nFr/nRn/nTo/nMy
Phenotype: Silver Bay With Fryekli, Roan, Tobiano And Mystic (Pearl And Flaxen Carrier)
Stats: SP 0 | ST 0 | SM 0 | IN 0 | AG 0 | VI 3
Purchasing from doomslug for $17
x1 Uncommon Semi and x1 Common Gene Upgrade
Purchased for $20
Donate points if you like my art or just want to! Anything is appreciated! Pay for designs here if instructed! ♥♥♥
@Reignsrest (pokemon cyberpunk)
@@ivathryon-islands (Horse rp)
@LittlePonyTales (Need to find geno roll or request new - da deleted comment)
@Herd-Of-The-Sleipnir (On hiatus)
Thanks for the diamond badge! :)
Thanks so much for the badge ♥
thank you!!! i love your art so much! (:
hey thank you for the diamond badge o/
thank you so so so much <33333
Thank you for the diamond badge!
My god, thank you for the diamond badge! Totally unexpected :D