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Behold!!!Noasaurus' skeletal reconstruction!!!I used many other ceratosaur bits and parts, and drew heavily from Masiakasaurus. This is an educated guess of what Noasaurus would look like, as we know very little of Noasaurus. But based on 4 bones, I did this, using the scale and so on, and comparing it to Masiakasaurus, which is thought to be most similar to Noasaurus. The hip is from Ligabueino, another "noasaurid".
Scale bar=20 cm.
Scale bar=20 cm.
Image size
3595x1627px 298.47 KB
Canon Inc.
CanoScan N650U/N656U
© 2007 - 2025 EmperorDinobot
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Se habia dicho que el Noasaurus era más bien un Abelisaurido, que sabes de esto?