KentrosaurusVSElaphrosauridWIPEmperorDinobot on DeviantArt

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EmperorDinobot's avatar




So, in the end I've decided that the predators depicted are elaphrosaurids, or really early noasaurids, because Elaphrosaurus bambergi is actually larger than a Kentrosaurus (5 meter long animal vs. a 4 meter long one), so...the predators depicted have not been discovered yet :D

But they are closely related to Elaphrosaurus and its later kin. ....

Damn. I don't feel so good about this drawing anymore. Maybe they're pigmy Elaphrosaurus? (I mean, what's the point of doing a scene with a skull-less fossil of an animal? Boo on African dinosaurs.
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PsychoWillyX's avatar
Don't give up, it's coming along awesomely!