Concavenator corcovatusEmperorDinobot on DeviantArt

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EmperorDinobot's avatar

Concavenator corcovatus



First Concavenator on dA! I might do a different version once I get more info, but I wanted to beat Hodari Nundu bad.

As you can see, it was a smallish, early Cretaceous carcharodontosaur. It had a largeish bump/sail on top of its ilium. Tall sacral spines I think...
Fitting for a shark toothed lizard.

Comment b4 favorite!:la:

EDIT: gave it the second hump. Who knows. Maybe it was just a sail. I went more conservative. Hope y'all like it :D
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2911x1515px 1.13 MB
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TyrannosaurusPrime's avatar
Nice, this is one badass dinosaur with a badass name. ;)