IMPORTANT (Regarding BHF information)
Stuff regarding Alexandra and Phantom on the Bunny Harassment files stays true, however for Frank; Frank's been confirmed to be innocent and dragged into the mess from several individuals.For more information and context; simply read the document on Frank's status update, Frank's siblings made the document. will shed some light for what happened behind the scenes and who the real perpetrator was (to make a long story short, there were people after her who wanted to frame and cancel her. one person even tried doxing and leaking her family information, one of those involved in making her life hell is DoubleSideProduction, whom has since deactivated their DA.)I don't care if people believe me or not regarding it, as this is the internet I'm posting on, theres going to be mixed opinions.Now that the information is online from franks party, however; do what you will, and decide whos in the right and