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November 9, 2011
Pageant: Talent DONE + PSD by =Emotikonz
SanguineEpitaph said: "Between the animation of the water, the pixeling of the cliffs, and the very original layout of this piece, I am just blown away by =Emotikonz 's skill. "
Suggested by several deviants
SanguineEpitaph said: "Between the animation of the water, the pixeling of the cliffs, and the very original layout of this piece, I am just blown away by =Emotikonz 's skill. "
Suggested by several deviants
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Suggested by SanguineEpitaph
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PSD now available!
The PSD for the 'static main panel' version is now available. I had intended to animate that panel first but I will be away for a week, so the wait will be too long. (Not to mention it will take a week at least to animate it.)
For those who a new to me: Kadul is my OC. He is a young European beaver kit from the most western end of Russia. He is the equivalent of about 5-7yrs.
This was part of a competition to emoticonists to show their OCs off in three different rounds.
Round One: A big version of our OC by the normal version.
Round Two: 'Special talent'. I wanted something water related since Kadul is a beaver, but not the stock 'swimming', so I went with diving.
Round Three: A day in the life of <name>, a four panel static comic. (We COULD animate it if we wished, but after this I was in no mood to

Stage ONE - frame, water
Too lazy to animate water by pixelling it frame-by-frame, so using my pre-built water texture I:

This is a base animation, tweened, so all other animation is going to have to be frame-by-frame.
This is also a very ambitious project for me

Also note that water is the ONLY thing I have ever successfully pixelled. That and grass. And I can find NO TUTORIALS for a dirt cliff face. So the end product will suck.
STAGE TWO - cliff, grass, sky
Note that the water is the only good thing in the entire image.

Probably will do more work on the grass later, but this is good for me to just figure out where Kadul is going. I'll also be adding some tufts of root and grass to the cliff face.
There's a 'falling' frame; that's what the animated cliff face is.
STAGE THREE - cliff texturing, contrast modification, some Kadul
(For some reason my preview isn't changing...?

Took =DPA-avatars' advice and upped the contrast on the cliffs. Then added grass and roots for texture, increased contrast on the grass, and adding some of the simpler animations for Kadul.
I think I will use the speed of the water to my advantage by deliberately animating ripples and foam to show the speed as if intentional rather than unavoidable. All in all, I think this is coming along well! Thanks for all the suggestions thus far guys!
STAGE FOUR - mini-Kadul updated, SOMERSAULT!
I spend more time on that somersault than I did on the water and the cliffs. Getting the rotation to fit in the 50fream break (two loops of 25fm) gave me many difficulties, especially with the ears. Most of the time, however, was on the tail (which is normally hidden from front view).
STAGE FIVE - judges added, splash added. Finished, more or less
Not happy with the splash at all - I spent ages wondering how I would handle it and everything I made looked like complete and utter CRAP. So I just made that panel static. I need to get this finished on time... maybe I'll figure out some animation later.
The two judges are Dober on the left (because I gave him Doberman spots that look like Big Ol' Man Eyebrows

Image size
150x120px 158.94 KB
© 2011 - 2025 Emotikonz
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