Emotikonz on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/emotikonz/art/Cuddles-Apple-Tree-136834926Emotikonz

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Cuddles: Apple Tree



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I felt a bit bad that in C+O: Apple Tease Cuddles never got his apple. :( So now he gets to have heaps of them on his own... for evuhhhh!
I cupped the image in because it looked strange, that block of grass, without something to break it from the page. I probably went to far, but it's okay. Cuddles wouldn't care about being trapped while he has apples.
Also, regarding the mouth - for those of you that still don't know, Cuddles is actually a beaver. So he has buck teeth, though you can't see them for long. They're definitely there though.
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50x50px 47.67 KB
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