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Twilight's last farewell to her best friend.
300 years to the future, the ponies and dragons ignited a war. Right after the fall of Ember the Enlightened, The Great Garble stepped in, to take the role as Dragon Lord.
50 years of war, 50 years of suffering...
The Princesses did their best to defend their land.
Of course, lives were taken.
The Moon alicorn took over her sister's place.
Defending Equestria is the priority of the last three remaining alicorns.
Then again,
Lives were taken...
The Princess of the Sun died with honor.
The lovely princess Cadance stood and fell with dignity.
Her daughter... Rested by her side.
And now, another precious life is about to fade away.
300 years to the future, the ponies and dragons ignited a war. Right after the fall of Ember the Enlightened, The Great Garble stepped in, to take the role as Dragon Lord.
50 years of war, 50 years of suffering...
The Princesses did their best to defend their land.
Of course, lives were taken.
The Moon alicorn took over her sister's place.
Defending Equestria is the priority of the last three remaining alicorns.
Then again,
Lives were taken...
The Princess of the Sun died with honor.
The lovely princess Cadance stood and fell with dignity.
Her daughter... Rested by her side.
And now, another precious life is about to fade away.
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500x5620px 1.59 MB
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