emochick-siobhan on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/emochick-siobhan/art/boo-84470352emochick-siobhan

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emochick-siobhan's avatar




I put it under books & novels because of Dustfinger, but really it's Email Tag fanart :XD:

I just said or did something earlier that put me in a really Email Taggy mood, so I decided to draw this.

The original caption was:

"Wait! I thought you were dead?" (cuz I've been 'gone' so long from Dustfinger, you see)
"Nope. I was visiting a--uh--friend from Scotland."
"You have friends in Scotland?"
"None that I'm introducing you to."
"Why not?"
"No reason. But I'll be visiting him again next month on the third through the twenty-ninth, and again the next month after that from the fourth through the thirtieth."
"Him who?"
"You're friend from Scotland!"
"What friend?"
"From Scotland?"
"No, I'm from Iowa."
"I'm so confused!"
"Shhh...let me rape you and make it all better..."
o.O "Wait...what?"

But I liked it also as a simple "Boo."
Image size
671x450px 130.42 KB
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araiya-mintaka's avatar
I think because you used MS Paint, it should be under Oekaki. ^^; I really like the character design. <3 I love how the red and the blue eyes blend in nicely together. n.n The bat wing bow like thing is really cool and those expressions work out really well. <3 One of them being sorta surprised and the other more lecherous. >3 Definite seduction. xD