(Legend of Zelda) Fairy Fountain-Original LyricsEmmierald on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/emmierald/art/Legend-of-Zelda-Fairy-Fountain-Original-Lyrics-528428708Emmierald

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Emmierald's avatar

(Legend of Zelda) Fairy Fountain-Original Lyrics



Ah, Ocarina of Time. The two things still branded in my mind: The Water Temple, and the Great Fairy, both equally unpleasant.
Well, I guess that would really be three things, if you get my POINT. Chica's Eybrows V.2 (Chat Icon) 

Inside jokes aside, in all her variations throughout the games, the Great Fairy has undeniably served as a beacon of hope for years, and is a welcome sight when your health/magic bar is low. Even though she may look a little...odd.
I've been doing a lot of research for an upcoming novelization of Majora's Mask, and I wrote this poem that ended up becoming a song; sort of an ancient ode to be sung by the Great Fairy or the smaller ones who dwell in her fountain. Whatever your feelings are about her, I do, as always, sincerely hope you enjoy these lyrics and stay tuned for more :)

Awesome cover by :iconmishamoonkun: soundcloud.com/mishamoonkun/fa…

I do NOT own the Zelda Franchise, including the original score - all rights go to Nintendo.
I own nothing but my lyrics.

 If you'd like to use these lyrics in anything, you are certainly welcome to! I only ask that you credit me for them and send me a link to your work when you're done - I'd love to see it :) (Smile)

Got another Zelda song or some other music piece you'd like to see lyrics written to? Let me know in the comments or via notes and I'll take it into account. Stay tuned for more Zelda lyrics!

More Lyrics here!: emmierald.deviantart.com/galle…
Best listened to with the original song ;)www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7JQgy…


When the world rests
On your shoulders
Flame within your
Frame's grown colder
Spare your kindness
Lend your power
Find me in your darkest hour...

Look inside when blades are bleeding
Hear my song while shields are weeping
Stand your ground on
Wings of spirit
Tak my love if you can wield it

Beauty's children
Queen of fairy 
In the pool, find sanctuary
Among tears of 
Fallen angels
Add your light to make a rainbow

Crimson colors
Of the fallen
Clash thy steel and
Hear my calling
Whispers when your
Heart's descending 
Leading to your happy ending...

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Hannahthepadawan's avatar
i'm gonna make more of those covers for you