EmmasVarietyArts on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/emmasvarietyarts/art/How-Did-We-Get-Here-1071202928EmmasVarietyArts

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EmmasVarietyArts's avatar

How Did We Get Here



Oh would you look at that? Two fixations that I haven't been into in a LONG WHILE as of recent.

I thought it would be funny if Faye and my version of Sun met Tanvi because both Tanvi and Sun are machines, as well as Faye and Tanvi are blue-haired girls, that also deal with kids.

But yeah, don't take this too seriously, okay? Good.

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1856x1540px 62.18 KB
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ReddyToDraw123's avatar

Also today’s my birthday and I drew another gift for you: https://www.deviantart.com/reddytodraw123/art/The-Swimming-Drawer-Feat-Stuffwell-1071233984