Kennilworthy WhispEmmanuel-Oquendo on DeviantArt

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Kennilworthy Whisp



"Kennilworthy Whisp is a recognised Quidditch expert, who even calls himself a true fanatic. He lives in Nottinghamshire, but divides his time between his home in Nottinghamshire and the place where the Wigtown Wanderers play that week. Whisp is also a successful writer. He has written many books about Quidditch. His most famous book is ‘Quidditch Through the Ages’, a book about the past, the origin, formation and building of modern Quidditch. He has written a book about the Wigtown Wanderers, his favourite Quidditch team. And a biography of Dai Llewellyn. He has also written a study on defensive Quidditch tactics. He is a celebrated author in the wizarding world. His hobbies are backgammon, vegetarian cooking and collecting classic broom steal."

His physical appearance is inspired by David Beckham.
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3975x5175px 66.26 MB
© 2015 - 2025 Emmanuel-Oquendo
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Gryffgirl's avatar
Wonderful portrait! :clap: