Emmanuel-Oquendo on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/emmanuel-oquendo/art/Hogwarts-Castle-Sketch-456563744Emmanuel-Oquendo

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Emmanuel-Oquendo's avatar

Hogwarts Castle- Sketch



A sketch of how I kinda imagine Hogwarts from the books. It's hard for me to imagine Hogwarts after watching the castle from the movies. I tried to mix elements from the movie castle and the castle from my imagination. This is the side that faces the front Gates. Drew this with a pencil. 
When I have free time, I'll paint it digitally on Photoshop. 
Image size
960x646px 116.18 KB
© 2014 - 2024 Emmanuel-Oquendo
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Lone-Traveler1's avatar
Wow! Amazing detail. Instant fav!