Robin Williams TributeEmilyStepp on DeviantArt

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Robin Williams Tribute


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Edit:  Please check out my other Robin Williams artworks -


I feel as though I need to make a disclaimer for this : I do not own the rights to Robin Williams' likeness or the rights to any of the photos I used as reference/stock in this illustration. They belong to their respective owners.

As for my Robin Williams piece, I made it in adobe photoshop cs3 using my wacom
bamboo create in roughly 7 hours using techniques I commonly use for video game
concept art.  The difference between what I normally make digitally and this -
is emotion.  I knew immediately when I heard what had happened, that I had lost
one of my childhood heroes and felt that emptiness that accompanies all loss. 
My grandmother didn't own very many vhs tapes when I was little, and we would
watch Robin's films over and over.  I loved Mrs. Doubtfire, Flubber, and
Jumanji the most.  That was the initial feelings and memories that I had right
before I decided to make something.  Lately I've been creating fan art for
various tv shows and videogames that I really enjoy in my free time.  I wanted
the art itself to reflect how I perceived Robin's depression.  The middle
portrait is meant to be him most recently, very realistic and much more somber
than the others.  More real.  The characters he played are more painterly and
the color is fading away, symbolizing their position in the past.  His eyes
offer a peak into his sadness, looking back.  Even many of his characters were
troubled.  I made this art primarily to honor and remember him.
Image size
2950x2516px 4.63 MB
© 2014 - 2025 EmilyStepp
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A very good piece of artwork, you have capture the soul of Robin Williams. I dont know if that is approprate or not just the way i feel. I thought he was the best.