Jesus: I Am the Good ShepherdEmilyCammisa on DeviantArt

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EmilyCammisa's avatar

Jesus: I Am the Good Shepherd



I Am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. - full quote.

This is number 5 out of 6 project commissioned by a good friend irl who was also a friend of my mom's, Art Klein. He wrote a book about Jesus and to help promote his book I am creating a series of images with regards to the I AM quotes. These will be used for a sort of chain e-mail of sorts that he hope will go viral. Enjoy!

Note: No, I didn't draw Jesus in anime style.... though is still illustrationy lol I haven't drawn realistic stuff in so long!

Time spent (Drafting, roughs, and revisions): 5 hours.

Cost so far: $50
Image size
1700x2200px 1.63 MB
© 2011 - 2025 EmilyCammisa
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MiniMinina's avatar
awww so cuteee  ;D