
/The Last Flight of Emily Byrd/ 30/30

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Emily-Byrd's avatar

Literature Text

The brambles are growing too thick
Inside my favorite wood
The air is growing too sick
For my song to do any good
So I will pack my belongings
And keep all the friends that I've made
And catch a refreshing whirlwind
To some more elegant glade.
:iconnapowrimo: Day 30. Another year complete. But I like at least five of my pieces, which is a good start!

This poem is rather explicitly revealing that I do not intend to be around for much longer.
This place was my genesis as a poet. I am leaving, not on the grounds of fading from poetic pursuits, nor even in dread of "Eclipse" (although that doesn't help, it seems far more geared to digital art, as this site has ever been). I am taking humble leave in order to develop my skill, seek more professional outlets, feedback, and one day self-publish.
Although I cannot say for certain, I think this means closing my gallery for good. I don't believe in loose threads. I will be in touch with as many individuals as I can via notes and journals, and setting up new platforms to keep in contact.

I love you all dearly.
© 2020 - 2024 Emily-Byrd
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TheBlackPilgrim's avatar

no. you stole this