Current Residence: New York deviantWEAR sizing preference: XS? Favourite genre of music: house, metal~ Operating System: XP~ MP3 player of choice: my now working brick of an 80gig iPod Shell of choice: seashells? Skin of choice: Chicken
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
The Yoshida Brothers~
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Other Interests
Chicken, tuna, unagi, sporks, cake, magic eight balls, playing cards
Haven't touched my DA in forever. XDAmazingly though I'm having a shoot later for a cosplay I've been wanting to do since forever.Hopefully it turns out great, will post once it's all done. 8D *rolls around his inactivity*
Much thanks for everyone who greeted me already today!~ XDMmmm, can't believe I'm already 21. XD It's quite the happy birthday today~ XD*roll*
Happy Holidays everyone!~I hope you guys had a good Christmas and New Year over where ever you are. XDMeh, been inactive for the most part. XDBut I can say that I'm gonna update moar once I finish work on something. 8D*gives a clue* 8D you know THAT, you'll know what cosplay I'm working on!~ XDAnyways, I hope you guys have an awesome year ahead!~-Emile