Into town PTSEmesbury1397 on DeviantArt

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Emesbury1397's avatar

Into town PTS



This part of town is full of trend. Further beyond the Commercial District is here where there are shops full of style and stylists to follow them up, whether for you or your Pokemon.


You're welcome to rp and note among this highstreet.
Image size
1630x1084px 1.23 MB
Date Taken
Aug 11, 2015, 8:26:12 AM
© 2015 - 2025 Emesbury1397
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Ghostly-siren's avatar
( closed rp with megabuu761

Zac jumped over the seating area, back flipping over them and sticking the landing. He first pumped as Tiny the lavitar rolled her eyes. "Oh come on that was a cool one." He chuckled rubbing his Pokémon's head before taking off to finish his showing off in the very public space. 
He jumped and slid down the railings to the stairs , avoiding kicking people walking down them.
"come on tiny you can do it." He told her waving for her to join him as he slid more down the railing.