Stamp: I Donate Bloodemerlyrose on DeviantArt

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emerlyrose's avatar

Stamp: I Donate Blood



For those of you out there who donate blood, be proud of it and show it, :D it's a great thing to do.

So far I have given blood twice, and I look forward to my next donation. :nod:

And I made more of these stamps, but each one says one of the blood types in the heart, but I'm not going to spend the time uploading them unless people really want them, so just let me know if you would like my to upload one with a blood type for you.

Stamp © Me

Stamp Rules: For use, Just add the stamp to your favorites. :+fav:

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Stamp Template is :iconkencho:'s and can be found: [link]
Image size
102x60px 7.7 KB
© 2007 - 2025 emerlyrose
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C-A-T-T-N-I-P's avatar
I would. But I don't like needles O3O But I would donate hair..