emeralddarkness's avatar


Ponies! Ponies Everywhere!
592 Watchers60 Deviations
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Deviously Devoted: Someone is your fiendish fan! 😈 (1)
Bronze Fragment: If this was the Olympics, you’d have made the podium!
Snowball: Someone likes you, and it’s snow joke! (2)
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (168)
My Bio

Current Residence: Utah
Favourite style of art: Pencil
Operating System: Vista
MP3 player of choice: ipod

Favourite Movies
95 BBC Pride and Prejudice
Favourite Writers
Jane Austen
Tools of the Trade
Pencils, Paper, Wacom Intous3, Adobe Photoshop CS3
Other Interests
Art, Anime, Music, Oboe, Animals, Reading, Writing
Always a great day to wake up and smell the art theft in the morning. Especially when you find yourself accused of being the thief.Guys, there is nothing to be gained from stealing art either by tracing, manipulating, or just straight up reuploading and pretending its yours. These things will not help you improve as an artist, moreover it's wrong and frequently pisses a lot of people off so unless you're trying for the sort of notoriety that everyone yelling at you and putting you on long lists of people stealing crap, stop it. Stop it, okay? It sucks, it hurts ALL PARTIES INVOLVED, it's selfish and mean-spirited and is spitting in the f...
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Hey everybody, remember SOPA and PIPA, and how hard we smashed them down? Well guess what? There's another very similar thing going down right now - only it's a trade agreement, and goes by the acronym of ACTA. And it could be described as SOPA and PIPA's evil big brother... for one, it is international. It's not quite the same, but it feels eerily similar and it could seriously violate privacy and be worldwide. Here's a news article with some information on it and boy does it sound bad. Here is a US exclusive petition to the white house , and here are two international petitions for all of you who are not US-based to kill it dead...
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If somehow you haven't heard of SOPA or PIPA yet, go look them up. They are bad news. I'm joining a good bit of the rest of the internet in protest today, Jan 18, and blacking out my journal.Later, guys.You can get the journal skin :thumb279877308: here and learn more about the blackout :thumb279725047: here. A video with a lot of good information can be found here .
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Profile Comments 213

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Happy Birthday EmeraldDarkness!!! Celestia can have cake happy DA B-day :3 Patrick (Cake) [V1]  Blower fella (Party) Fun cake fella's Gobbler (Party) Cake for Shifteh fella Gift (Party)Let them jump out of cake  Rainbow Cream Cake with candles 50x50 icon3d Cake Icon Oreo Cake with candles 50x50 icon Beach Cake with candles 50x50 icon Piece Of Rainbow Layers Cake 50x50 icon Big Turd Cream Fruit Cake 50x50 icon Kawaii pink cake Blueberry Cake type 10 with candles 50x50 icon Candycorn Cake Type 2 50x50 icon  Cake for artist 50px  Ugly Triple-decker Cake with candles 50x50 icon Bad Piggies 2dk Cake with candles 50x50 icon Rainbow cake 3 50px Rainbow cake 2 50pxOrange White Cake with candles 50x50 icon Dark Chocolate Cake Type 1 with candles 50x50 icon Bad Piggies Double-decker Cake Type 2 50x50 icon  Strawberry Cream Cake with candles 50x50 icon Double Colours Cake with candles 50x50 icon Gift Box Cake with candles 50x50 icon Dark Chocolate Cake Type 4 with candles 50x50 icon Rainbow Cream Wedding Cake 50x50 icon Spring Cake Type 1 2DK 50x50 icon Rainbow Cake Tower 50x50 icon Jerusalem Cross Cake with candles 50x50 icon Mint Cake Type 3 50x50 icon Taichi Cake 50x50 icon Cake Icon 4, Frosting Pandan Cake (2 Layers) with candles 50x50 icon Happy Birthday cake 11 50px Happy Birthday cake 7 50px Happy Birthday cake 4 50px Cake Icon 5, Banana and Chocolate Geometry Chocolate Cake Type 3 50x50 iconGeometry Chocolate Cake Type 4 50x50 icon  Geometry Chocolate Cake Type 2 50x50 iconBanana Chocolate Cake with candles 50x50 icon Chocolate Swiss Roll 50x50 icon  Cake with berries 50px  Minecraft cake (Pixel art) Rainbow Cake Tower 50x50 icon Piece Of Chocolate Cake 50x50 icon Easter Eggs Cake 50x50 icon Piece Of Whatsapp Emoji Cake type 2 50x50 iconButt Cake 50x50 icon Butt Cake Type 2 50x50 icon  Free Style Cake 50x50 icon Minecraft Cake with candles 50x50 icon Blueberry Cake type 8 with candles 50x50 icon Orange Cake Type 2 2Dk with candles 50x50 icon Rainbow Cream Cake with candles 50x50 icon Pink bouncing cake Lavender Flower Cake Fancy Cake 50x50 icon Cake For Artists with candle 50x50 icon Bow cake Macaron Cake with candles 50x50 icon Bad Piggies SC Cake with candles 50x50 icon  Purple Yellow Cake with candles 50x50 icon Tower Cake 50x50 icon  Refreshing Cake with candles 50x50 icon Sundae Ice cream

HAPPY BIRTHDAYParty Hard! Star Wars Party Hard Icon We Like To Party! (TF2 Chat Icon) fella Gift (Party) Bill cipher party hardcore Party Hard Maknae Line pinky pie party canon emoticon Party Hard Jack! !

Party Hard! PARTY HARD rainbow party Blower fella (Party) Star Wars Party Hard Icon Dancing Pumkin head 2 Cheers fella white-wine (party) Bill cipher party hardcore Party Hard Maknae Line Homer Simpson Party Hard Gif Icon 1st Emoticon: Happy Birthday Party Hard Noodle Arms Icon Party Party Hard! Star Wars Party Hard Icon Blower fella (Party) fella's Gobbler (Party) fella Gift (Party) Cheers fella white-wine (party) Birthday cake  icon Homer Simpson Party Hard Gif Icon 1st Emoticon: Happy Birthday  Spideypool - Happy Birthday 1 Spideypool - Happy Birthday 2 Birthday cupcake Birthday cake  icon fella's Gobbler (Party) :iconhappybirthdayplz: :iconcakeplz:

Birthday cupcake HAPPY :bulletred: BIRTHDAY! :bulletred: 

I shall drink to your health on your birthday!

Beer before Liquor; will get you sickerDrunk:iconbudweiserplz::iconwineplz::iconpintplz::iconwhiskeyplz::iconmargaritaplz::iconjackdanielsplz::iconchampagneplz::iconmartiniplz::iconheinekenplz:::iconrumplz::icontequilaplz:Efes Pilsen Bottle Efes Pilsen - Animated 2 Yeni Raki Efes Pilsen Can Emoji| Beer Marmara Gold Kulup Rakisi Istanblue Efes Malt  :vodkala: Tekirdag Rakisi Bazooka Altinbas Raki Tekel Birasi Lokka champagne Glass 1 Jim beam Emote [RT] Whiskey Wicca Glass Of Wine Emoji :winela: Wine Icon mini Wine Bottle Green [RT] Babilonian Wine :beercontest: Beer Emoji :cheers3: ChibiChelita BeerBacardi Icon big Bacardi Icon Bacardi Icon mid Bacardi Icon mini Bacardi Icon ultraminiEfes Malt Corona Extra Emote BeerMug Cheers :beer: Beer Mug Perv Thrusting Cheers fella white-wine (party) Cheers with Champagne Emoticon :vodka: :DrunkBummy: Drunk Revamp  Avatar for bloodmartini champagne Glass 1 A Drunk Guy  :vodka: Drunk Revamp :icondrunkplz:

Or non-alcoholic if you prefer that! Sweating a little...
Happy Birthday EmeraldDarkness!!! Celestia can have cake happy DA B-day :3 Patrick (Cake) [V1]  Blower fella (Party) Fun cake fella's Gobbler (Party) Cake for Shifteh fella Gift (Party)Let them jump out of cake  Rainbow Cream Cake with candles 50x50 icon3d Cake Icon Oreo Cake with candles 50x50 icon Beach Cake with candles 50x50 icon Piece Of Rainbow Layers Cake 50x50 icon Big Turd Cream Fruit Cake 50x50 icon Kawaii pink cake Blueberry Cake type 10 with candles 50x50 icon Candycorn Cake Type 2 50x50 icon  Cake for artist 50px  Ugly Triple-decker Cake with candles 50x50 icon Bad Piggies 2dk Cake with candles 50x50 icon Rainbow cake 3 50px Rainbow cake 2 50pxOrange White Cake with candles 50x50 icon Dark Chocolate Cake Type 1 with candles 50x50 icon Bad Piggies Double-decker Cake Type 2 50x50 icon  Strawberry Cream Cake with candles 50x50 icon Double Colours Cake with candles 50x50 icon Deep Autumn Cake with candles 50x50 icon Dark Chocolate Cake Type 3 with candles 50x50 icon Gift Box Cake with candles 50x50 icon A Piece of Ube Cake 50x50 icon Dark Chocolate Cake Type 4 with candles 50x50 icon Rainbow Cream Wedding Cake 50x50 icon Spring Cake Type 1 2DK 50x50 icon Rainbow Cake Tower 50x50 icon Jerusalem Cross Cake with candles 50x50 icon Chocolate Cream Swiss Roll 50x50 iconMint Cake Type 3 50x50 icon Taichi Cake 50x50 icon Cake Icon 4, Frosting Pandan Cake (2 Layers) with candles 50x50 icon  piece of cake M and Ms 50px Happy Birthday cake 11 50px Happy Birthday cake 7 50px Happy Birthday cake 4 50px Cake Icon 5, Banana and Chocolate Geometry Chocolate Cake Type 3 50x50 iconGeometry Chocolate Cake Type 4 50x50 icon  Geometry Chocolate Cake Type 2 50x50 iconBanana Chocolate Cake with candles 50x50 icon Chocolate Swiss Roll 50x50 icon  Cake with berries 50px  Minecraft cake (Pixel art) Rainbow Cake Tower 50x50 icon Purple Crystal Cake? Piece Of Chocolate Cake 50x50 icon Blueberry Cake type 8 with candles 50x50 icon Orange Cake Type 2 2Dk with candles 50x50 icon Rainbow Cream Cake with candles 50x50 icon Pink bouncing cake Lavender Flower Cake Fancy Cake 50x50 icon Cake For Artists with candle 50x50 icon Bow cake Macaron Cake with candles 50x50 icon Bad Piggies SC Cake with candles 50x50 icon  Purple Yellow Cake with candles 50x50 icon Tower Cake 50x50 icon  Refreshing Cake with candles 50x50 icon Sundae Ice cream
Happy Birthday EmeraldDarkness!!! Celestia can have cake happy DA B-day :3 Patrick (Cake) [V1] KimRaiFan's Bday Cake Blower fella (Party) Fun cake fella's Gobbler (Party) Cake for Shifteh fella Gift (Party)Let them jump out of cake  Rainbow Cream Cake with candles 50x50 icon3d Cake Icon Oreo Cake with candles 50x50 icon Beach Cake with candles 50x50 icon Piece Of Rainbow Layers Cake 50x50 icon Big Turd Cream Fruit Cake 50x50 icon Kawaii pink cake Blueberry Cake type 10 with candles 50x50 icon Candycorn Cake Type 2 50x50 icon  Cake for artist 50px  Ugly Triple-decker Cake with candles 50x50 icon Bad Piggies 2dk Cake with candles 50x50 icon Rainbow cake 3 50px Rainbow cake 2 50pxOrange White Cake with candles 50x50 icon White Cream Cake with candles 50x50 icon Dark Chocolate Cake Type 1 with candles 50x50 icon Bad Piggies Double-decker Cake Type 2 50x50 icon  Strawberry Cream Cake with candles 50x50 icon Double Colours Cake with candles 50x50 icon Deep Autumn Cake with candles 50x50 icon Dark Chocolate Cake Type 3 with candles 50x50 icon Gift Box Cake with candles 50x50 icon A Piece of Ube Cake 50x50 icon Dark Chocolate Cake Type 4 with candles 50x50 icon Rainbow Cream Wedding Cake 50x50 icon Spring Cake Type 1 2DK 50x50 icon Rainbow Pancakes 50x50 icon Jerusalem Cross Cake with candles 50x50 icon Chocolate Cream Swiss Roll 50x50 iconMint Cake Type 3 50x50 icon Taichi Cake 50x50 icon Pandan Cake (2 Layers) with candles 50x50 icon  piece of cake M and Ms 50px Happy Birthday cake 11 50px Happy Birthday cake 7 50px Happy Birthday cake 4 50px Cake Icon 5, Banana and Chocolate Geometry Chocolate Cake Type 3 50x50 iconGeometry Chocolate Cake Type 4 50x50 icon  Geometry Chocolate Cake Type 2 50x50 iconBanana Chocolate Cake with candles 50x50 icon Chocolate Swiss Roll 50x50 iconMarshmallowStrawberry Cake with candles 50x50 icon  Cake with berries 50px  cake icon 3Fancy Cake 50x50 icon Cake For Artists with candle 50x50 icon Bow cake Macaron Cake with candles 50x50 icon Bad Piggies SC Cake with candles 50x50 icon Heart cake 1 50px Purple Yellow Cake with candles 50x50 icon Red Velvet Layer Cake 50x50 icon Tower Cake 50x50 icon Raspberry Cake with candles 50x50 icon Jerusalem Cross Cake with candles 50x50 icon Custard Cake 50x50 icon Cherry Cake with candles 50x50 icon Refreshing Cake with candles 50x50 icon Sundae Ice cream
Birthday Cake (1) Birthday Cake (1) Birthday Cake (1) Birthday Cake (1) Birthday Cake (1) Birthday Cake (1) Birthday Cake (1) Birthday Cake (1) Birthday Cake (1) Birthday Cake (1) Birthday Cake (1) Birthday Cake (1) Birthday Cake (1) Birthday Cake (1) Birthday Cake (1) Birthday Cake (1) Birthday Cake (1) Birthday Cake (1) Birthday Cake (1) Birthday Cake (1) Birthday Cake (1) Birthday Cake (1)