Emburne on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/emburne/art/OPEN-1111456880Emburne

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Emburne's avatar




Pastel Confetti pup <3

Read the Commission & Design ToS

-You may not claim the design as your own. Link back to me in the first piece of art or writing.

-All USD purchases go through Paypal.[Invoice only]

-Upon purchase you will receive the adopt without a watermark.[Unless otherwise unavailable, which sometimes it can be.]

-Please respond within 48 hours of having your offer and or Ab accepted. Otherwise the design will go back up for claim and or re-auction.

-Do not complain about pricing. it's rude and can cause unwanted conflict with others.

-Do not harass, beg or bother myself or a buyer over a design if you failed to obtain it, doing so will likely result in getting you blacklisted.

-Accounts Must be up to 2 months old

price: $55

Image size
2430x2150px 1.37 MB
© 2024 Emburne
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Comment to claim here <3