Elysion-Gear on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/elysion-gear/art/Open-your-eyes-213071295Elysion-Gear

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Elysion-Gear's avatar

Open your eyes



I like this I really like this.

This was originally meant to be a practice piece so that I can get used to using my new water-color pencils crayons.
I traced (Gasp!) a screen-cap and did my own little touch, of windblown hair, and colored it.

I enjoyed coloring this and putting together in photo-shop.

(Yes I am aware that He's missing his staff......)

Quote is from the English version Series
Image size
1050x647px 507.14 KB
© 2011 - 2024 Elysion-Gear
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MDTartist83's avatar
I always wondered about that monk. I know that he's centuries old. But I always wondered how he survived from the feudal era when he defeated Arago all the way to the present day.