Hello everyone !

Thank you for visiting my gallery. Thank you for the

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Name : Elwing Isiliel
Studies : Medieval History
Langages : Français, English (hope it’s not too bad)
Links : Last FM -
TumblrInterests : Fantasy (books and illustrations), music, photography, Norse history & mythology, cats.
Music : I like different kinds of music. My favourites are symphonic metal and soundtracks. But I also listen to folk metal, death melodic metal, folk/medieval/Celtic music, classical music, jazz, some Japanese artists, music with piano and cello.
Past/next concert/fest : Dead can Dance/Heidenfest
Current musical obsessions : Enya, Howard Shore.
Books : The lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, A song of Ice and Fire.
Currently reading :
A dance with dragons by G.R.R. Martin
Films : The Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Thor, The Dark Knight Trilogy, Star Trek, The Aristocats, The Sleeping Beauty.
TV : Sherlock, Stargate, NCIS, Criminal Minds, Hawai 5-0, Game of Thrones, Castle, Doctor Who.
Illustrations : John Howe, Alan Lee, Krystal Camprubi, Sandrine Gestin, Misstigri, Charline and so many talented artists on DA.