Al Gore - ARROGANCEElvis-Chupacabra on DeviantArt

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Elvis-Chupacabra's avatar




Arrogance is when you proclaim that "the science is settled", and your beliefs are now the "gold standard" by which all scientific opinion is judged! That's what Al Gore has been saying and is continuing to say. Delusional? Possibly. Crooked? Probably. Arrogant? Absolutely...

Yes, folks... the height of arrogance is when what YOU believe determines what science in valid.

Al Gore: New Age high priest of a religion that has more in common with medieval science and belief systems than with anything seen this side of the Industrial Revolution.

----------------------------------- Obligatory Disclaimer -----------------------------------------

Note: This is posted as satirical, political humor and represents protected political expression as defined under the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. If it offends, I apologize, but Free Speech isn't always innocuous or popular. Sometimes it needs to elicit a response, or at the very least, it should give one pause to think or even question. The person posting this image is not sexist, racist or intolerant, nor does he advocate any violence or condone any form of discourse other than that which is legal and protected by the U.S. Constitution. Please feel free to agree, disagree or bury your head in the sand.

Remember, where opposing political ideas meet, it is there that freedom reigns!
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BadMillennial's avatar
A inconvenient truth of a convenient liar.