75 Photoshop GradientsElvenSword on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/elvensword/art/75-Photoshop-Gradients-63496723ElvenSword

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75 Photoshop Gradients


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I converted my psp gradient sets, with Psp X gradient editor.
Work with cs2 well, but I do not know other versions. I think, yeah but not sure.
Total 75 photoshop gradients, in 4 grd file. Feel free to use my gradients on your art works.
Rules are same, simple. No rules. There're some rules about redistributing, on my first page (journal) , other gradient sets are in my gallery

Some people trying to convert these Photoshop grd files, for Paint Shop Pro and getting errors. You don't need to convert them.

**Paint Shop Gradients versions for all my Photoshop gradients, already in my gallery.**

For this specific file, I submit separate 4  file  before this Photoshop version.

Files in .rar:
ES Autumn.grd
ES Rivendell.grd
ES PinkSplash.grd
ES SeaDreams.grd
ES Grd01.jpg (Preview picture 530x484)
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Thank you for sharing your talent. Very appreciate your hard work and time