Dark MagicianEluva on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/eluva/art/Dark-Magician-257819510Eluva

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Eluva's avatar

Dark Magician



So... ever wonder what Rolan Spyglass has been up to?

After leaving Academy of Heroes he started learning dark magic. Unfortunately he wasn't very good at controlling it, and it started controlling him. Now his body and mind are corrupt by the darkness (even his clothes have turned black!) and it seems as though his soul has been lost forever.

This is my part of an arttrade with :iconreexchan: hope you like it bby!!


Rolan used to be a teacher at :iconaohc:

Character (c) me
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1360x998px 1.18 MB
ยฉ 2011 - 2025 Eluva
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Nanagami's avatar
OH GAWD FAITH TO THE RESCUE *cries endless tears* OH GAWD ROLANNNN (i am such a fan girl i need to calm down)
Maybe Faith can help ;w;?????? She knows both dark and white magic ;w;?? Tho she has affinity for dark magic so idkkk!!!! SHE WILL HEAL HIS MINNDDDDDDDDDD (BUT FCK ELU HOW CAN U DRAW SUCH HOT CHARACTERSSSS!!!)

Need to draw Faith as well as she is now.... she went on an adventure too >.<

BUT ROLANN *gets shot many many times* I MISSS YOUUUU!!!