Cyndaquil CaveEluva on DeviantArt

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Cyndaquil Cave



OK I have a confession to make... I FRIGIN LOVE CYNDAQUIL..
I remember playing pokemon crystal when it first came out and being SOO happy to have a frigin cyndaquil on my team. Yeah I totally felt an attachment to it. Same with Quilava and Typholsion....i think they are my favorite pokemon of all time.... Next to bellsprout of course.
:iconbellsproutplz: i mean just look at that face...

Anyways, now you know my favorite pokemon, what are yours?
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2800x1706px 2.3 MB
© 2011 - 2025 Eluva
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Tibby-san's avatar
hhgjkdhkj;aehjk;a hae;gha;kjudg

:iconbigheartplz: I LOVE THIS SO FRACKING MUCH! :heart:

I think I found my new wallpaper. :XD: I Also loved Cyandaquil since I played Pokemon Silver back in the day. (man I sound old. LOL) Cyndaquil (Or evolutions at the time) NEVER my party!~ :heart: