Hey there ......Releasing the most recent artwork I made featuring Alia Atreides, visiting the EUC's main work place and giving some wise advice ..... kind of scary though ...... ^^ .......I actually had so much fun drawing it hopping it will be of your liking .... I will also let you know there's a clean version of this late artwork ( no dialogue balloons at all ) ..... it will be available for selling soon ....... any one interested on acquiring it e-mail me at el_ultimo_codice@hotmail.com ( just serious requests ) for more info ...........Have a great day !!! ............ Don't give up and keep on drawing ................Kind Regards .....
Hey there .....Long time no see ..... =D ....... I've been quite busy lately but I finnally got some time to submit and present my most recent work hopping it'll delight you all ..... ^^ .......... have fun and enjoy it ................Don't give up and keep on drawing ...........Kind Regards ........ El Último Códice ( EUC ) ........................................................................................
Hey there !!! .......I've been uploading quite a few new deviations recently ..... but today I proudly introduce to you the most recent deviation I've uploaded ..... a fan art of this old char that I hope you can remember ...... the Inter - Galactic Sentry 459 ........... it took me a time to draw it in order to honor the memory of the great Jack Kirby but hope you all like it ......................... ^^ ....................... Remember ...... don't give up and keep on drawing ................. =D ..........................Long Live The King !!! .......................Kind Regards ......... EUC ...............................................