Favourite Visual Artist
Alphonse Mucha, Klimt, Remedios Varo, Edward Gorey, Kaori Yuki, Mitsukazu Mihara, CLAMP
Favourite Movies
Last Unicorn
Favourite TV Shows
Twin Peaks, Fringe, Sherlock, Being Human, Hemlock Grove
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
The Mars Volta, Amanda Palmer, Rubythroat, Dearest Azazel, Kiss Kiss, and Nebelhexe
Favourite Books
Occult, New Age, Mythology, Nonficton
Favourite Writers
Rj Stewart, Jung, Aleister Crowley
Favourite Games
Bio Shock Infinite, Amnesia Dark Descent, McGee's Alice 2, Majora's Mask, Animamundi: Dark Alchemist, Fire Emblem 9-10
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Macbook Pro, Intuos4 Tablet, CS6 Master Suite, Manga Studio 5, Pen & Ink, Watercolor, markers, and mechanical pencils
Other Interests
Trees, Gardening, and rabbits