It's elrunethe2nd's birthday week!
elrunethe2nd's avatar


315 Watchers271 Deviations
Artist // Professional // Other
  • Sep 10
  • Australia
  • Deviant for 17 years
  • He / Him
Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (76)
birthdAy '10: decade of deviousness
Paranoid: Wears a tinfoil hat
My Bio
I have a huge interest in several areas of art.
I love traditional art; leather bound books, steam age stylings and and ornate craftsmanship.
I also like modern designs.
Finally, I do appreciate photography, especially careful photography, such as nicolasmalinowski.deviantart.c… , where you don't know quite how the artist pulled it off, but it is nonetheless amazing, usable as a wallpaper and generally nonoffensive.

I am also highly opinionated on certain issues but generally am content to let things go as they do when the event in question is anything less than a passion of mine.

I am a university student who has leanings to electro/house in music, and used to work in a pet store.

Finally, I prefer to separate my real identity from my virtual presence. That's a purely personal view, but I think a healthy one.

Current Residence: Perth, Western Australia
Print preference: Awesome Ones :)
Favourite genre of music: Disco
Favourite style of art: Modern, Minimalist
Operating System: Windows 7
MP3 player of choice: HTC Sensation
Shell of choice: Windows
Wallpaper of choice: Changes often with mood.
Skin of choice: Changes often with mood.
Personal Quote: Any film depicting God as someone other than Morgan Freeman is contradicting my religious beliefs.

Favourite Movies
None, yet.
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Coldplay. I always return to them.
Favourite Writers
Nix, Fforde, Nylund
Favourite Games
Oblivion, Morrowind, Myst
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Flash CS3, RWCE, Samsung ES65
Other Interests
Technology, Videogames,Travel, My comics.
I'll clarify some of my feelings about this general sort of thing. I am actually quite concerned about distributing software on the internet. Moreso than some, I feel. I understand the facts speak for themselves; that I am just some guy on the internet and, despite the promising comments and figures regarding usage of my things, for a user there's just no way of knowing what goes into them and whether they're safe to use or not. Some people have even had antiviruses provide (what I assume are) false positives on my software and told me this. For this reason, despite the fact that a part of me would have liked to keep my software closed so
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I've no news, but my previous journal entry was fast becoming irrelevant given that it's been over a month since the CEO of EA Games got fired and all. I'm pleased to see that several of my projects have taken off well, and that people are enjoying what I'm making. I'll strive to continue to make things that I think are fun to use and fill gaps in our lives. I'm also pleased to see just how happy people get when I release these things. It's really nice to watch. A word that would be appropriate would be "sweet", as in, it is sweet to watch (used in what could almost be a condescending manner I suppose)? Sweet has been claimed by the dudebro
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Profile Comments 133

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Hey, you're around again? Cool, Happy Birthday from Hungary again then! :D
Keep up the good work.
It's been a while since your last visit, but still Happy (though still pretty late) Birthday from Hungary again! :)
Sorry for being late, but Happy Birthday from Hungary!
Keep up the good work. :)
What program do you use to makes skins, and such?
I do my image editing in Real World Paint. It's like Photoshop mixed with MSPaint, and pretty good for all talent levels IMO. And free.

I make Windows Media Player skins in Notepad++ by hand; it's not that difficult, just a little tedious. 
I made Chrome skins with a tool, but that's now been replaced by a DIY website that isn't as good. I believe it might be this:…
Happy Birthday from Hungary!
Keep up the good work. :)