elrothiel's avatar


All you need is love! <3
227 Watchers239 Deviations

Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist // Digital Art
  • June 5
  • United Kingdom
  • Deviant for 21 years
  • She / Her
My Bio

Hey, I'm a fun loving girl who loves anything and everything if it is beautiful, dramatic and theatrical! Also sequential... I like sequential. Mythological also. And intellectual! :D (Big Grin)

This is my page for my art, which shows off my geeky inner child! If you know me from the rock scene and think I'm bad-ass, look away now! Deep down, I like embarrassingly girly things, like Sailor Moon, and colourful refined-looking horses... and good looking men. You'll see all that if you look through my Favourites. :D (Big Grin)
BUT I can draw. I use a Wacom Bamboo Fun tablet, and my program of choice is Paint Tool SAI, and occasionally ArtRage. For photographic things, and adding in the little subtle effects to some drawings I like Photoshop CS5.
I can draw pretty good manga I think, and I practice Naoko Takeuchi's style a lot. However that's not my only strength, I enjoy doing realism, and also excel at horses (being that I've been drawing them my entire life).
I have a preference for leggy and refined beings, which shows in my work. I suppose a challenge for me would be to make somebody look fat... Giggle I'll do it one day though! Maybe for a paid commission...

Bullet; Red Speaking of which, although I draw for fun, I do take commissions... I will draw your OC, or anything you like really, within reason. I can do you a simple sketch or a finished piece, or even somewhere in between. All you have to do is ask. :) (Smile)

Favourite Visual Artist
Roger Dean, Naoko Takeuchi
Favourite Movies
Scarface, Godfathers, Tarantinos, and cheesy horror flicks.... you get the drift.
Favourite TV Shows
Eastenders, America's Next Top Model
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Guns N' Roses, Guns 2 Roses, Elvis, Queen, Sigue Sigue Sputnik, Wesley Willis, Extreme, Motley
Favourite Books
Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, The Dark Tower
Favourite Writers
J.K. Rowling, Cassandra Clare, Michael Marshall, Stephen King, Jackie Collins, Jilly Cooper, and others...
Favourite Games
Favourite Gaming Platform
Anywhere I'm not gonna scrape my back/knees...
Tools of the Trade
Paint Tool SAI, Wacom Bamboo Fun, pencil, paper, pens... you know, the usual.
Other Interests
Gav, Gav's gigs! Art, rock, music, theatrics...
Soooo hello everyone! I&#039;m so sorry I&#039;ve been away for so long! A LOT has happened in the past 10 months... I&#039;ll try to tell the short-story version. There&#039;s a LOT more to it (a holy hell-metric fuck-ton of a lot!) but for personal reasons I won&#039;t elaborate on such a public forum... Basically, last October, with the help of my best friends in the world, I left my ex-boyfriend (Gav) and moved temporarily back to my mother&#039;s house in Sittingbourne. During this time, I was busy agonizing, working and looking for a place back in London, until SUCCESS! I chose a place in Archway and in April of this year I packed up all my stuff and moved back t...
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But I don&#039;t like it when Gav occasionally hacks my facebook and adds loads of Gaga fans to promote my alter-ego because I&#039;m a lazy bitch who doesn&#039;t want to. Why? Because looking through my Facebook news feed when I feel like finding out what my friends are doing is THE MOST ANNOYING EXPERIENCE EVER!!!Everything being in a foreign language (even the captions in pictures!!) from teenagers who call themselves things like &quot;KingWithNoCrown Monztaaa Germanotta&quot; is just something which makes me want to go and slit my fucking wrists.I have nothing against posts about Lady Gaga, as I am a fan myself, but when your ever-loving fiance has gone and a...
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0 min read
Saying Happy Birthday late to Axl Rose for a joke* but definitely not meaning it any less!I hope you had an awesome day/night you fucking sexy-ass legend!! :heart:* Because he&#039;s notorious for always being late!
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Hello.. do you remember me? It's been a long time since we don't talk and here says that is your birthday so... I hope you have a wonderful day and I hope we can talk more, whenever :) :hug: :party: