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"So long as you don't bleed in the shape of wing joints, you should pass for human."

:bulletwhite: Inspired by Angelfall.

:bulletblue: Dedicated to Susan Ee, trope-subverter-extraordinaire, and to book-lovers of the world.
:bulletblue: Also to Raffe.
:bulletblue: And to Raffe's sassy, sassy sword.
:bulletblue: And to my booksister Natalie, who introduced me to them all.

:bulletwhite: I finally get to say the End of Days is here and mean it. All is right in the world today.

References, stock and tools: RomanticFae | faestock | BmAStockjasonaaronbaca | Free-Stock-By-Wayne

© Stop! My work is not to be reproduced, altered, modified or commercially used in any way without my explicit permission. It is under a copyright license and any violation of these terms is a violation of the law.
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600x600px 206.5 KB
© 2015 - 2024 Elluna
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sky99hunter's avatar
This series was great!
the first book was my favorite and I love the trilogy but the end of the last one seemed the most bland and lazy that I have read !!!
but this work is beautiful, this book needed a coloring book and thanks for helping grow the fandom!
Saludos desde Honduras