elliria's avatar


Cosplayer, Gamer, Geek
209 Deviations

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Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist // Artisan Crafts
Diamond: It's the highest of honors to be awarded an exclusive Diamond badge! (1)
Silver Fragment: Setting the silver standard of greatness!
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (427)
My Bio

Hi there, I'm Enayla! My deviantart presence is primarily cosplay, which is one of my biggest hobbies, although I'm working on improving my photography and 3D modeling skills as well.


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Favourite Movies
Big Fish, Star Wars, Back to the Future, X-Men, Lord of the Rings
Favourite TV Shows
Sherlock, Westworld
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Imogen Heap
Favourite Writers
Christopher Paolini, T.A. Barron, J.K. Rowling, George R. R. Martin
Favourite Games
Guild Wars, Star Wars Galaxies, Skyrim, Portal, Assassin's Creed, Dragon Age
Favourite Gaming Platform
Other Interests
Gaming, Programming, Graphics, Ballet
I'm heading to Fanime again this year!  My cosplay schedule is as follows: Friday/Saturday: GLaDOS (Portal 2) Sunday: Orrian armor (Guild Wars 2) I'm already a little tight on time, but I am still scheduling limited shoots - send me a note if you're interested. As always, I love meeting you guys, so please come say 'Hi' if you're attending.  Hope to see some of you there!
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I logged in yesterday to a couple thousand notifications and a Daily Deviation!  I can't thank you guys enough - all of your comments, faves, and support really mean a lot to me.  I'm doing my best to respond to everyone, but it's been a little overwhelming, so it may take a couple days (: :thumb308414630: I've been cosplaying for several years now, but my Guild Wars 2 costume is my baby - I'm a dedicated fan of the first game, but didn't want to cosplay from it until I had the skills to do it justice.  This was my project for the better part of a year, and it was a huge learning experience (I can't tell you how many times I scrapped pieces
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Fanime Plans!

0 min read
Hey everyone, it's been a while!  I've had very little time for cosplay lately as I'm getting used to my first year of university, but I did manage to finish my new Guild Wars 2 for PAX East.  I have so many projects planned for this summer, so look out for some real progress soon (: I'm heading off to Fanime in two weeks!  This will be my first time attending this con, but I've heard nothing but wonderful things about it.  My cosplay plans are as follows: :thumb301862896: Friday: Princess Peach (Super Smash Bros Brawl) Saturday: Chanter (Aion) Sunday: Shining Blade (Guild Wars 2) Monday: Yvaine (Stardust) I'm so excited to get to see
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Profile Comments 590

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Wonderful cosplay!

Incredible cosplay stuff you have on here you look really beautiful and cool as a knight

Love it Well Done Art Work Galleries Excellent Work Details

Gorgeous cosplay! I love it

:airborne: Happy Birthday, milady! :cake:
Here is the link to my video:


I hope you enjoy it. If you or your “group” want feel free to contact me about more collaborations.

thank you again for the use of your photography.