Tutorial: Silent Hill Nurse ShoesElleKio on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ellekio/art/Tutorial-Silent-Hill-Nurse-Shoes-366501506ElleKio

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Tutorial: Silent Hill Nurse Shoes



Hai everyone!

I'm going to cosplay the nurses from silent hill with a friend of mine for Mizucon. We're on our way to finishing it up. I thought it would be nice and hopefully helpful to anyone else who wishes to cosplay this to make a tutorial for everything as we slowly progress. :iconyeahplz:

Here are the nurse shoes. It's pretty self-explanatory.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask!
Thanks. :'3

The video on this tutorial (it explains everything a bit more and I show you exactly how to do it)
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crowpeacockwolf's avatar
Awesome! Thank you for making this X3