Severus+Lily Bookmarksellaine on DeviantArt

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Severus+Lily Bookmarks



EDIT: Sorry for reposting, but I have fixed some annoying errors and wanted to let know those of you who decided to print it(:

It happens when you have too much fee time for a while and you're away from your computer for a day (I should have been working on some old commission...). You get something pretty, yet useless. So, I decided to turn it into a bookmark (because I read a lot, I love bookmarks). And it supposed to be only Severus, but how can you draw Sev without Lily? Ehehehe!*feels the fan girl madness striking back*:D

But being serious, not sirius, I want to dedicate it to all people who enjoyed my DH art lately and those who had enough patience to stand it:D. Feel free to use them (the quality and size is printable).

I wanted to make them as simple as possible, but rather stylized. Hope, you will like it.
Ink pen+Painter

Looking at them from a distance I have noticed something damn funny since it was totally unintentional: [link]
It's a sign, that I really should change the subject;p
Image size
626x1350px 345.61 KB
© 2007 - 2025 ellaine
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JohannaEgeria's avatar
Looks so beautiful! <3 I like Severus. :3