Healing - Deathly Hallowsellaine on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ellaine/art/Healing-Deathly-Hallows-63260444ellaine

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Healing - Deathly Hallows



'Why, ' said Snape, without preamble, 'why did you put that ring? It carries a curse, surely you realised that. Why even touch it?'

J.K.Rowling - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, The Prince's Tale

Still spamming you with DH illustrations(:. But for some unknown reason I couldn't get this scene out of my mind.
Something about one hour drawing, done while watching Robin Hood - Prince of Thieves, so forgive me any errors;p

Only pencil this time, because it's the quickest and most pleasant way for me to do a picture.
Image size
523x920px 238.39 KB
© 2007 - 2025 ellaine
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MoonyMina's avatar
so totally awesome!!! what a wonderful take on this really, really crucial scene...