Setting your timezone on DAElla-kayleigh on DeviantArt

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DeviantAcademy's avatar

Setting your timezone on DA



A lot of people seem to be having problems with timezone conversions. I hope this tutorial helps!

If there are any problems, please let me know so I can improve it!

Edit: If DA doesn't have your country on the list, go to google and find out your timezone and another country which has the same timezone. Please don't ask me to figure it out for you. ^^
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1240x3197px 1.76 MB
© 2012 - 2025 Ella-kayleigh
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enbyALIEN135's avatar

My city isn't listed :( So what should I do? I mean it doesn't matter that much (i think..) so It'll be fine but still. :P  But what is the best one for Virginia?